Well...well......let's see, we began this potty training journey on Jan 1st. Here we are the end of March, and I thought to post where we are at. He has gone 2 weeks without ANY accidents at all. BUT.....after such a long, glorious stretch within just 1 day...he's back to having accidents. Usually, it's just 1 accident..but then another couple of days later..there will be another...and another..and another....and then on to 2 weeks solid of no accidents again. SO.....i really have felt like we can't progress to Stage 4 (going in underwear all. the. time outside the house) quite yet....He really hasn't liked going to the bathroom anywhere else but here. He's gone at the church, but that's it. Even my mom's...he just won't. He has before. But...it's difficult to get him to. SO....i do think within time & more practice he'll get better with the outside world's bathrooms...I just don't feel like I have the trust level with him yet here at home, to go EVERYWHERE outside in his underwear. Now, we do take him out in his underwear if the errand is 2 hours or less. I don't like doing things halfway, so when I've decided it's time...i'm talking EVERYWHERE in his underwear...and just realizing that accidents will occur & that I may have a in side the store scene, but that's okay :) Last post, I spoke about him not going number 2 in the potty ever. Well, he does now. Pretty much our biggest indication is when he's hiding--we know no matter what, we have to take him in, and he'll go. He's isn't big on actually telling us when he needs to go to the bathroom, in general. It's usually always just our timing of it all. So, i have realized the times when accidents occur it's usually when he's drank A. LOT. and I just haven't hit it at the right time in taking him in. And that's another reason why my trust level with him isn't quite there yet..is that he doesn't really tell us. Sometimes he does....but I'd prefer to not have to always keep track in my head...especially if we are doing errands OR somewhere else outside. ya know? Maybe i should try going a few days of NEVER reminding him...just to experiment how he does. Still pull ups when he's asleep. In my last post, I had said he's filled out 3 charts. Well, we are on to our 10th haha He really likes it alot, so as long as he's wanting to keep using them I'm cool with it. But I would like there to be a time when the charts aren't so much a motivation, but just sheer desire to is. Still giving him some sort of treats...between dum dums and tootsie rolls.
So, again our goal was June 1st to be done will ALL stages, including through the night. So we have over 2 more months...I'm confident he'll do it.
(sigh) still in the running. Feel like this is a marathon, and such a process. Oh Bradyn, please be different. But then again, it's another boy we're talkin' about (sigh)
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