Well Wednesday was quite scary.... I woke up in the morning throwing up every 20 minutes. I thought at first it was the flu that has been going around my ENTIRE family every since Easter. So, i was throwing up every 20 min from 8 am till about 3 and then all of a sudden I started feeling really BAD cramps in my lower back and lower abdomen, the feeling of back labor with Peyton was all too familiar...it just felt wrong. Slowly my hips & butt went completley numb. After I tried getting up and fell my back went into spasms. We grabbed the kids and went into labor & delivery (where we were told to go) As we were there, I was monitored for 5 hours, i think? Was told that it wasn't contractions, or pre term labor...that I had a Kindey infection, which explained the back pain & that I was dehydrated, which explained the cramps & that I had a UTI. So they told me they preferred I stay overnight b/c Jordynn's heart rate was 187 and it was suppose to be lower than 165. I told them how we don't have insurance, at all..and if there was a way to treat this at home, I'd much prefer that. So they waited to look at her HR again after they gave me the meds and 3 bags of fluid. After which her HR was down a lot..so we went home with a prescription. Woke up this morning feeling good, have eaten- kept it all down. But at the moment, I'm beginning to feel crampy & dizzy..and my urine is a red ish color. So...we shall see. But I'd really prefer to NOT have an early baby!!! I went into the hospital prepared to tell them to stop the contractions with meds. So..hopefuly all will be well. It just hurts to walk too much. I was a lil' crazy and decided I was going to vaccuum, empty the dishwasher, sweep...and i think I over did it. So...please Pray!!!!
The Barkers 2020
5 years ago
GET TO BED, NOW! No need to do cleaning now! Go to bed! I pray things will go well for you! I thought Steve had a good job! No insurance? Not good! Stay down and take care of yourself! Everything else will get done in good time! Sorry!
That's scary business. Take it easy... if there is anything I've learned from being so sick this time around it's that the chores can wait; really they can, even for the neat freaks ;)
Hope you can get well and keep cooking the baby until she is ready. Preterm labor is a scary thing and those meds that stop labor SUCK!
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