So with my last post, I spoke of having a UTI and a kidney infection. So...pretty much the meds for the infection kept making me throw up so they had me get a naseau pill to go along with it. Well, i took the naseau pill a couple of times and then was too scared to take the infection meds again, so...i just didn't. And i've been just fine. Steve thinks it was a poor choice, but i was just too scared of those Satan pills!
Anyways, Steve did an ultrasound today--and at this point the baby should be over 4 & she weighs over 5. And was told I am meauring as 33 in a half weeks rather than 32. I'd prefer to go as long as I possibly can. I'm not interested in being induced. I have mixed opinons about being induced. Yes, convenient..but it's hard to not see it as selfish as well. I did have an induction date with Bradyn, but when I went in, i just started on my own & I guess was already in labor. So, I'm not interested in being induced UNLESS, it's obvious that she'll weigh more than 8'7. My doc with Bradyn told me that if he had been more than that then my tailbone would have broken or I would have had a C section. Pretty sure, in that instance, I'd prefer to be induced than have to go through either of those events. So yeah...heartburn is horrible. I guess I should be grateful that I'm not one of those girls that gain in the hips and legs and arms when prego...but...the downside is that, it's pretty painful to be carrying the weight without added cusion. My hips & pelvic girdle usually always hurt, but I know it's that way especailly becasue of the over-active lifestyle I had being prego with Bradyn..i was warned...and I failed to now have very weak ligaments..but i think that's about it.
I am going to include my PT #4-
I think he's ALL DONE! I really do!! We started Jan 1st and i think i begain feeling like it was all done like mid April. I can't recall the last time he had an accident. He goes in without us there when he needs to go and comes out. He doesn't care about stickers or candy anymore at all. The only thing I guess i have slight hesitation---is that he really hasn't had enough "public restroom/friends" bathroom experience yet for me to feel like I could leave him somewhere for several hours and that he'd do it himself...or that I could take him outside the house for several hours. So, I think to accomplish not feeling the anxiety is just with practice and experience. Just to continue carting him everywhere in his undies and hope for the best.
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