Hey! So I never breastfed Peyton and really want to this time with Bradyn. So what's the deal with -if you want to breastfeed then no binkis??
Is that true? I've heard at the hospital to tell the nurses no binkis...right? But then what about once you are home? No binkis at night? What's been your experience?
I gave my babies binkies. Sometimes to get them to suck i used a binkie first. I don't know tho? Breastfeeding is hard at first but soo much easier and convenient so stick with it if you can. Good luck :)
I nursed Chandler for 11 months and he's had a pacifier from day one. Breastfeeding is an adjustment for you and the baby at the beginning. a book I read said to try to make it through the first 6 post partum weeks and then it gets easier, i found that to be true with both my boys
Kylie and Kayla both had a binkie when I was breastfeeding them. I am still breastfeeding Kylie and the Doctor said it is just fine for her to have a binkie.
I think it's really just personal preference.
I read a nursing book that said that they can get nipple confusion with a bottle or binki so I was nervous about either of those for a couple of days. Then, Ashton wanted to nurse all the time because he wanted the comfort and not so much the food so I decided that I didn't want to be a human pacifier and gave him a binki. Turns out it nipple confusion didn't really turn out to be a problem for us.
I agree with Jodi about trying to stick it out for 6 weeks. It wasn't easy for me for about that long and then it became a lot easier.
Good luck!
Yes I'm old but things haven't changed that much. You can contact your local Lalache group and they will help with all your questions and concerns. I tried a binkie with all my kids but they didn't want them. Pediatricians in my day said baby's need that sucking power till they are two. But what do I know, I'm old as dirt. The first month is the hardest and it gets easier after that. I hope it works out for you either way he will adore you!
I nursed my little one until she was 13 months and we used a binkie from early on. She wasn't very good about keeping it in her mouth to begin with but no babies are. We found one that is more round shaped, like mom, and she liked that better. I did wait a few weeks, maybe 2-3 before I tried her on a bottle. I have heard firm breastfeeders say you ought to wait 6 weeks to introduce either; however, I have friends that it back fired on and their babies would never take a bottle or binkie. I would take a binkie you like to the hospital or they might give your baby one you don't like or can't find and then you are hosed. I had a hard time getting my daughter to latch. A lactation specialist in the hospital was my lifesaver and gave me a nipple shield. It took a long time and another lactation specialists a few months later to help us wean back off of it, but I was able to breastfeed all the way along. Good luck to you and congrats on being so close. I am 25 weeks along 34 seems a lot closer.
with both my kids i did breastfeeding with a binky from day 1. With my little girl we have done breastfeeding all day and a bottle at night. I did for a few reasons. One to make sure my milk supply stayed where it needed by pumping at night, 2-to let the hubs have some time with her, 3-so i can leave her if i had to, 4-to help her sleep through the night and there was some other reasons. we have also done a binky. We haven't had nipple confusion problems at all. We went to a few feeding specialist for different reasons but they all said we have the control. We have the power to make it work or not. Just be patient and know its going to take some time. It may be a natural thing but it doesn't mean its easy.
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