Monday, February 11, 2013

22 weeks

Seems like it's time for a prego update!  I turn 23 weeks this Friday.  And I went to an appointment today and i gained my 1st 3 lbs!  wahoo!  I mentioned to him about how I am SO out of breath all. the. time.  Doesn't matter how I am sitting, I just can't seem to catch my breath.  I am for sure to the point that I can't lie down flat on my back.  He seemed to go on about getting a chest x ray or my lungs aren't filling up correctly, and I know that's not the case.  I ALWAYS am out of breath when I'm prego...just one of those things to deal with.  :)  Due date is June 14th, but I've always gone on my own at 39 weeks- so I'm planning on the 7th.  And if she gets too big, probably earlier than that.  It seems like my babies just get bigger and bigger...and with Bradyn my doc mentioned that I can't physically have a baby weighing more than 8'7 b/c either my tailbone will break or I'll have a C-section.  SO.... MUCH prefer to catch her before she's that much...:)  
In other news, last PT post I talked about Peyton's issues with not going number 2 in the potty.  Well ever since Friday, it's been a success!  yay!  Let's hope it sticks, seriously!  
We are getting all ready, prepping for Jordynn's room.  I've sold everything I've needed to.  Once we get our tax return, we will begin ordering everything & in the process of waiting for things to come we are going to start taking B's room completely apart, all ready for painting to begin!  


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