Peyton's Heart Surgery Day seems such a long time ago. That day was a complete blur. I do remember feelings of worry and stress. I came upon this excerpt in an Ensign so touching.
The article is called- The Atonement Covers All Pain
by Elder Richards.
Of all general conference talks- this one stood out to me most.
Thirteen year old Sherrie under went a 14 hour operation for a tumor on her spinal cord. As she regained consciousness in the intensive care unit, she said- "Daddy, Aunt Cheryl is here....and....Grandpa Norman...and Grandma Brown...are here. And Daddy, who is that sanding beside you?...He looks like you, only taller....He says he's your brother, Jimmy." Her uncle Jimmy had died at age 13 of cystic fibrosis. For nearly an hour, Sherrie described her visitors, all deceased family members. Exhausted, she then fell asleep. Later she told her father, "Daddy all of the children here in the intensive care unit have angles helping them."
This brought tears to my eyes. Peyton had his own guardian angel in his room with him that day. At the time of his surgery my parents described that the spirit was very strong in the room....and that he was being looked after.
"Fear not, Little children, for you are mine.....wherefore, I am in your midst, and I am the good shepherd."
He goes on to say- "I have noticed that children are often more naturally accepting of pain and suffering. They quietly endure with humility and meekness." I find that so True! Peyton was home in four days on only Tylenol.
What a day that was. So happy it is in the past. It has helped Steve and I to appreciate Life and the blessings we have.
I am so grateful for those who visited and supported us during that time...who helped relive my mind from stress and worry.
We love You! :)
What a tough little boy! I wish kids didn't have to do things like that!
Kids are amazing!! It's so true how in tune they are with the spirit!! I am so happy that everything has been going well with Peyton!! It's a miracle what doctors can do these days!!! Can't wait to see ya in a few days :)
So sweet. What an amazing gift we have as members of the church. Peyton is such a strong little boy. What neat lesson you pointed out :) I needed this today- Braden got in a huge car accident and totaled our car and I keep thinking why us? why does everything keep going wrong? But what a good reminder that I need to endure my pain and suffering in MEEKNESS and in HUMILITY. Like little children. Thanks Brooky :)
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