Ok...so recently I have been thinking A LOT about different opinions people in the church have on different topics. A lot of interesting points of view that don't make a lot of sense to me. My mother in law and I were talking about all of this late last night...
So i was sitting in Sunday school and the teacher was talking about how we need to instill qualities in our young men..that of finishing college and being a returned missionary. He talked about how his wife and him knew that if they tried to instill those qualities in their young boys then their young girls would find boys to marry who also had those qualities. So my immediate thought to this was: Why in the heck aren't these qualities being instilled in girls too? Now, I am one who did finish college and went on a mission....but seriously though why is it just the boys that these qualities are being so stressed upon. Finishing school and going on a mission can only better anyone. I understand that girls should not feel obligated to go, but i also think boys shouldn't feel this obligation to. From personal experience, if you aren't feeling the urge to go yourself, you will waste the Lord's time. It's a personal choice. But why aren't these qualities being instilled regarding both sex?
I have a very very hard time when in the church others look upon women as ok...stay at home and have kid after kid after kid...and if you need to work, fine. But you shouldn't be forced out into the work place. I DO NOT agree with that idea at all. I understand in the proclamation it reads....mothers are to nurture...So I got married at what....23 and felt like I was doing something wrong by not having had gotten married earlier and now...I feel married couples go through the stress of making sure they have babies right off the bat. For example my MIL, they were married for 3 years and she told me people constantly harassed them on "when are you going to have kids....?" And it's like goodness gracious! Just let us recently married people alone and leave it up to us!! So a lot of you reading this know I did have a honeymoon baby...wasn't exactly planned...but k so peyton is now 8 months old...and I ALREADY have this stress of "Well, brooke since you are staying at home right now...."you might as well start again...." YOU MIGHT AS WELL.....what the? I don't want to have more kids on the basis of "you might as well" I have a very hard time with these different stigmas so so many mormon parents have....on to the next one...
K. so my brother has a friend...who is a convert. Just got baptized a year ago. You know he lived the rough edge of life and he has been dating this girl rather seriously for awhile now and he proposed, she said yes. But her parents refuse to let her marry him. And why is the question? You guessed it...convert, has tattoos...and you guessed it! Not an RM. What the? Oh my goodness it just makes me want to kick box someone....you can not put that on the poor boy. He is a convert for crying out loud!!! I saw this time and time again on my mission where these young boys get baptized and fall away because there is so much pressure for them to go on a mission and they feel so badly if they can't go... For instance, this boy amazing amazing guy....is a convert, he couldn't go on a mission due to severe debt on his car...and he fell for this super cute lds girl and dun dun dun...parents would not allow her to date him because why? Convert and not an RM. All these issues just make me so so mad.
But overall, the moral of all of this is the people in the church are not perfect but the church is. And that everyone is titled to their own opinion and own way of life. I just feel that these stigmas are becoming a habit in more and more people. And it just really makes me sad:(