Well, the hubster is off doing pages, so I thought to update the Blog. I first started off thinking about writing about What's it like with 3 kids now....but then I just thought I might as well make this an update :)
OCTOBER 10th--is a very very important date for us! Steve is taking a test, that has been very expensive to book & he feels ready and prepared to go take it. Not quite sure the title of the Test, but this test is SUPER important when it comes to the future of our family & our progress in reaching our family goals :) Steve is still out & about doing X-RAYS ....give him a shout out when you pass his work van :) lol. After he passes (fingers crossed) this test he will begin working alongside an Ultrasound Tech who is contracted through Steve's company. There is no one as an Ultrasound Tech with Steve's company in Utah. Steve will be the First. So he'll begin shadowing this Tech that is contracted through the company for a full year. After a full year (Oct of next year) he'll then take his final licensing exam & be an independent Ultrasound/X-RAY tech for the company. Pretty much this is really important to happen, b/c at about this time we'll then begin to really really start saving for a house. We are thinking that at Jordynn's 2nd Birthday is when we'll move. The more we talk about---i think I prefer buying pre-exsisting :) We've always really loved the District/Daybreak area. We seem to really like EDGE & Richmond homes a lot. So we'll just see at that time if we should build or buy pre-exsisting. But, my gosh--I'm confident that by her 2nd birthday I will want to be getting the HECK out of this condo! Peyton will be 6! For right now, we are for sure thinking of selling. We'd like to walk away with quite a chunk of money. The bldg coming up right next to us is priced a LOT higher than what our bldg went for when we moved in....so that's good! Anyways, Saint George is still a solid option for us.....maybe Steve's company would need a guy to cover the Cedar City/St George area by then?? If so, without a doubt----we'd leave. We would. We really really loved it down there :) BUT....if by then Steve's company is not wanting anyone down there, I don't think it'd even be worth finding work down there b/c we already know that Steve's company pays their techs a LOT more than hospitals do....so.....yeah. We'll see :) Let's talk about the kids now....:)
Peyton....So Peyton began Learning Dynamics this Fall & loves it! Every morning he has his bag in his hand and yells "School Time" ....problem is: it's only Tues & Thurs that we go haha....Last week that I took him, he ran into the school yelling "School time" & gave his teacher a hug. It was cute :) I went to Back to School Night & just loved his teacher & what they do each day, I love the structure & the simplicity to everything. I love their "blending concepts" with implementing reading that has already begun!!! Peyton went into Preschool knowing all his colors, shapes, letters & numbers. It's been fun getting him to really memorize the sounds to all the letters as well as to perfect writing his name. All his worksheets that he brings home--seems like he's catching on really well, so that's good. There is a public charter school here in the Ranches called "Ranches Academy" we are hoping Peyton wins the lottery by being selected to do Kindergarten there. I've overheard a few ladies in the ward that the elementary school that our area covers has 35 students in their Kindergarten class & they were expressing their concerns with how many students are being over looked & are slipping through the cracks---really worried me. I hope Pey could attend at this Ranches Academy school :) Oct 1st is when we can enroll him. So.....besides 2 days a week of preschool---he also goes to the School District monday mornings for speech. He had tested out in May, but wasn't selected into an alternative program...so the shool district allowed him to continue going for another year. This morning we went over how all his errors in his sounds last May are all perfected & passed off today. So that's good. They have told us that he says all the sounds that he's suppose to at this age---it's all sentence structure with him. Soo....besides speech on Mondays, pre-school Tues & Thurs. He also goes to Speech on Wednesdays at the Wasatch Speech Center in Salt Lake. It's quite the drive for us, so my mom takes him twice a month and we take him the other two times. His therapist is who my siblings had as therapists when they were all little. So...I've enjoyed it so far. Speech is such a slow process, I suspect seeing vast improvements come the Spring time. I'd really really love for him to be caught up by Kindergarten. But I suspect probably not until half way through his Kindergarten year. Thank you all for all your support with Peyton! I love all the questions & the desires in wanting to know how he's doing & what's next for him!!! I know without a doubt this kid is going places....like really going places, & it's my duty to make sure I prepare him as much as I can for all that is to come in his life :) Has it been stressful? Yes. I'm sure all our kids have individual things that needs xtra attention and so forth...we are all stressed possibly at some points with our kids....Speech is just one of those things for him. But it can be fixed. And will be. Interestingly enough, his therapist told my mom last week--that they are finding NICU babies have the most speech issues....interesting, huh.....Anyways, so this kid is busy...busy..busy...he is also doing Soccer. He has practices each Thurs & games on Tues & Saturdays. It started off really really well.....now......sigh...I don't know. I don't know if he's quite emotionally ready for it. Any time he kicks the ball & if he does not stay with it & it's kicked by someone else...he runs to me crying. Or when someone from his OWN team scores a point...he cries & yells "Peyton's turn!" It's hard not to laugh, we just try to explain the best we can that you are on a TEAM & that it's ok if it's not just you kicking and scoring all the time. (sigh) bless his little heart!!! I don't know what to do!!! When he's in a big pack trying to get the ball, it's like he's doing whatever it takes to get that ball- that his first trigger is to push everyone out of the way.....(sigh) Well, he's agressive, that's for sure. So i don't know....I'm really looking forward to T-BALL. I like the idea of each having a turn up at bat & running the bases...it seems a lot more conducive to maybe what he needs right now :) Plus, he get to play T-ball with Jack, so I'm really excited for that;) Other than that all the things that he's involved with right now, he's so fun & loving. We are at a little bit of a tough time where Bradyn & him are getting in alot of fights...like fist fights....:(:( Bradyn is becoming pretty strong willed. It can start with something so simple as Bradyn playing with a car & peyton coming up and taking that car--then Bradyn runs up to Peyton and yells at him, then Peyton shoves him, then Bradyn gets up to run over to smack him one...then next thing you know they are rolling on top of each other on the ground laughing.....like what?! I don't know what to do!? Oh, it's the best when these brawls happen while I am nursing and Steve isn't home...that's super duper fun right there :) Anyways, on to Bradyn.....
Bradyn is learning & growing so much :) He knows about 40 ish words that he says clearly. Our doc told us at his 2 year appt he needs to know over 50 but that at least 25 need to be clear....so i felt good about that :) He just entertains himself so well. I find him in different places throughout the house with books...lots and lots of books....and with a big smile on his face :) I try so hard to read with him everyday. What's been fun is when Pey is at school, I make it school time for Bradyn, where we go over shapes & items in pictures. He loves Nemo & Toy Story are his fav's. he's just a cutie....I love going places with just him & surprising him with a Kneaders cookie or whatever it may be. He has the funniest facial expressions where you can tell he's either up to something OR just "feels" so special. The boys are now sharing a room, & it has been so SIMPLE!!! I've loved it. We can't put them down at the same time, we wait till Pey has fallen asleep & put Bradyn in there & he just lays down with his mischeiveous grin on his face and closes his eys...and literally doesn't move :) Another cute thing he does is will approach adults & point to J and say "My baby..." it's so cute. He loves to squeeze & kiss her a lot. So sweet. On to Jordynn....
Seriously...what can I say.....this little girl has been such a joy. I get teary eyes oftentimes just looking at her :) She seriously hasn't been an Adjustment at all! The best little sleeper..the best at this, that, and the other...just sooo perfect in every way & I just LOVE LOVE LOVE HER!!! I think Heavenly Father keeps sending me these chill, easy going, amazing babies so that we keep going. And I know we've said 3 is good. BUT....i really can see more..I'd love another girl :) I can see us trying again when J is in Kindergarten:) I feel like....as long as we are being blessed financially....I almost kind of feel like...i will have as many as the Lord wants me to. As long as we are being blessed financially...not just have what we "need" to afford children, But also living a very comfortable lifestyle. So we shall see :) But seriously...love her! Also what i love is Nursing....sometimes i ask myself---is there seriously anything in this world better than this?!?! I just. love. it :) Every bit of it:)
I would have added pictures to this post---we just took family pictures, so i'm excited to see them & shall post :) Maybe there will be one that i love enough to blow up and replace the one on my wall...we shall see! Myself and all 3 kids are going to St. George for about 3 ish nights to let Steve do some studying alone here at the house. He needs it. October 10th is a big day for him & for us.
Well, i think that's a good update...oh wait, ME.....hmmmmm.......not a lot to report at all i don't feel. Really happy. Sure moments are stressful, but I get through them the best I can. Steve is home a lot. So 3 kids have been just fine for us. I'm lucky. We have good sleepers, i think that's what helps both him & I to keep our cool and to survive well :) An interesting fact that I have discovered about myself, while talking with some friends- is that While I may not be overly protective or worrisome about outside elements with the safety at a park, being on a bike, or jumping too high on a trampoline..I do however feel like as a Mom, I am most concerned & worrisome when it comes to Academics. Being confident that my child will succeed & has what it takes to acheive academic goals.
Oh a neat thing that happened recently......I had taught an amazing lady, Patty on my mission fell in love with her. She embraced the gospel, got baptized. Moved to a different part in Georgia, contacted me letting me know that she needs the gospel more in her life and that her (newly married) hubby is interested---I went about contacting tha bishop as well as the sister missionaries & they began meeting with her tonight. My heart is so full for them :) Can't wait to see what happens! Crazy how missionaries can text & have cell phones these days!!! So i get to text the sisters to get updates on her & her hubby's progress :) How fun!!!
Oh a neat thing that happened recently......I had taught an amazing lady, Patty on my mission fell in love with her. She embraced the gospel, got baptized. Moved to a different part in Georgia, contacted me letting me know that she needs the gospel more in her life and that her (newly married) hubby is interested---I went about contacting tha bishop as well as the sister missionaries & they began meeting with her tonight. My heart is so full for them :) Can't wait to see what happens! Crazy how missionaries can text & have cell phones these days!!! So i get to text the sisters to get updates on her & her hubby's progress :) How fun!!!
PS. Sooooooooo excited for Halloweeen!!! This year the boys are superman & batman. And J is a little witch with me :) It'll be so fun! Can't wait to get the costumes in the Mail!!! Steve is taking me up to Logan for my birthday this year. I'm SO looking forward to it :) I feel so nostalgic lately & so grateful that I completed my degree there and want some time to reflect on those days and be in that Area.
Anyways, I think that's it for now. thanks for reading....Loves!
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