So today was my heart appointment day. We discussed all the results from the two tests that I have done (doppler & TEE) We discussed my reaction to my Park City picture getting a headache one night after my heart felt like it was pounding.
He told me the tests do seem to have "alarming" results but b/c I just don't experience symptoms on a day to day basis, that it's NO need whatsoever to go ahead with the surgery. He said fixing these heart defects on adults has been around for the past 3 years, and they really only like to see them on people who have had a stroke or is experiencing day to day symptoms. Of the two experiences that I had told him about, he says the headache seems to be from me not eating often enough and the park city pictures episode, being from a bacteria that had entered my bloodstream (to explain the fever) Both of which he does not think was heart related. He told me go ahead on getting prego, my track record seems to be just fine. And to make sure i take my baby aspirin while prego. And to see him again in 6 months! so yay!
I was interested in getting a 2nd opinon from another cardiologist....but....we've been on a transitional plan with Medicaid in preparation for Steve's work health ins to offer their open enrollment, and i guess b/c our income has increased drastically Medicaid sent us a letter saying it was time to say good bye :) So....this is perfect news from my heart appt-b/c we are Uninsured for the next 2 months! ha! So surgery wouldn't have been an option for us anyways. And even once we are on Steve's work ins. pretty sure woudn't want that to happen then as well. So...I'd prefer to not go get a 2nd opinion b/c we have no insurance till Dec.
So i'm just going to take on the faith that Dr. Carter is right, and that there is no need for this surgery at this time. :) This chapter in my life has come to a close...